Joe Mason
Geomorphology and Soils
Quaternary Environments and Landscape Evolution
Research and Teaching:
With my students and collaborators, I study loess (windblown dust), sand dunes, and soils, to understand how landscapes of the Great Plains, the Midwestern US, and northern China have evolved and responded to past environmental change. By understanding how landscapes and soils have changed in the past, and the processes involved, we can understand and predict their present and future response to rapidly changing climate and human impacts. Our methods include extensive field research, lab investigations of soil and sediment properties, GIS and remote sensing techiniques, and numerical modeling. I teach courses on these and other topics in the Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Here are my Google Scholar profile and current CV

Current and Recently Completed Research Projects
Go to the Research page for more on projects in the Great Plains, the midwestern US, and northern China. Funding and project abstracts, project data and code.

Current course home pages are in UW Madison Canvas (enrolled students only). I teach Geog/Envirst 127 (Physical Systems of the Environment), Geog/Geosci 320 (Geomorphology), Geog 329 (Landforms and Landscapes of North America, Geog 342 (Geography of Wisconsin), Geog 344 (Changing Landscapes of the American West), and Geog 525 (Soil Geomorphology).

Also of Interest
The Also... page is a blog with posts on places I've been recently, research projects I'm following, the Ice Age Trail, and anything else of interest